News — utah

Heading to the United States of America

america dinner gala jonah Lomu TeamLomu utah

Lomu's heading to America for the first time yet, so the countdown continues with almost 4 weeks to go before touchdown, the excitement has lifted to a level above all, a Lomu level I guess you could call it.  

Rugby's first true Global Superstar Jonah Lomu MNZM is set to walk the streets of Utah, Salt Lake City, where he will join the wonderful locals and VIP guests for a Gala Dinner.  "It's an honour for me and to have my wife with me, she's my manager too Lomu says with a smile, but a chance to meet many great people on this trip and to see the true beauty within Salt Lake City is exciting for us both".

When briefly talking to Jonah about his life, well...there would never be enough pages in a book if he were to write it all down, it wouldn't matter how many chapters or even how many editions he wrote, this guy has such an extraordinary story to share of his many achievements and experiences both on and off the pitch. The life he lived as a young boy growing up in the streets of South Auckland, New Zealand, the boy he once was...who grew up fast, he had no choice on that.  Fighting for survival, to keep his shoes on his feet, the jacket on his back as he slept in bus shelters with no place to go at the age of 14.

Thinking back, Jonah shares dark memories of the days and cold, tough nights of sleeping on the streets.  Hard to even imagine as I listen to him talking.  A young boy that had no one to help him, no place to turn for warmth, the bus shelter was it!  Nothing good could come of staying on the streets either he tells, I was kicked out of home for protecting my mum, that's no secret but on the streets, I knew the only one I could rely on was myself.  

Jonah knew, if he wanted something, a better life, a life to do something with himself; there wasn't anyone that would hand it to him, there wasn't anyone to help him do something good either, he knew he had to make it happen, so he did!

The Gala Dinner is set to be a fantastic evening to share with the legendary Jonah Lomu MNZM; the youngest ever to wear the All Black Jersey at the age of just 19 years and 45 days.  Join in on an unforgettable evening.  A Global Superstar to the World, an Inspiration, an Icon and a friend to his great global fan family whom he remains thankful for, a guy who has never forgotten where he came from!

Gala Dinner proudly brought to you by Jonah Lomu 7one5 and Domain Sports Media. With thanks to all sponsors.

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